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Text-messaging & Literacy


       Text messaging, or texting, is the act of composing and sending brief, electronic messages between two or more mobile phones, or fixed or portable devices over a phone network. 

The term originally referred to messages sent using the Short Message Service (SMS). It has grown to include messages containing image, video, and sound content (known as MMS messages)

text-messaging on languange



  • Text messaging has had an impact on students academically, by creating an easier way to cheat on exams.




  • The number of students caught using mobile phones to cheat on exams has increased significantly in recent years.



  • It is now clear that students in high school and college classrooms are using their mobile phones to send and receive irrelevant texts during lectures at high rates





         The small phone keypad has caused a number of adaptations of spelling: as in the phrase "txt msg", "HMU", or use of CamelCase, such as in "ThisIsVeryLame". To avoid the even more limited message lengths allowed when using Cyrillic or Greek letters, speakers of languages written in those alphabets often use the Latin alphabet for their own language.

         Historically, this language developed out of shorthand used in bulletin board systems and later in Internet chat rooms, where users would abbreviate some words to allow a response to be typed more quickly, though the amount of time saved was often inconsequential. However, this became much more pronounced in SMS, where mobile phone users do not generally have access to a QWERTY keyboard as computer users did, more effort is required to type each character, and there is a limit on the number of characters that may be sent.






        Text-messaging can affect perception of the students, When a student sends an email that contains phonetic abbreviations and acronyms that are common in text messaging (e.g., "gr8" instead of "great"), it can influence how that student is subsequently evaluated.





About Text-messaging


*Merry Chritmas* 

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